03 June . 2016
Giving Back & Building Strength in Community
We’re dedicated to extending the success of Wendell Falls to our Wake County partners and neighbors. Our team is continually looking for new ways to show support, especially in regards to education. Newland Communities, on behalf of our builder partners, has provided both monetary and volunteer contributions to many of our surrounding partners. To date, these contributions include:
• $50K donated to the Wendell Parks & Recreation for their new track-out program.
• $25K donated to East Wake High School for a new sign with an additional contribution to create the outdoor classroom at Lake Myra Elementary.
• $40K donated to the East Wake Education Foundation.
• $1K to Triangle Off-Road Cyclists (TORC) to build Wendell Fall’s mountain biking trails.
• We proudly serve on the Wendell Chamber of Commerce Board and serve as an active member on the Wake Economic Development Edge 5 committee in addition to supporting our local home builder associations.