03 June . 2019
Robertson Millpond Preserve: A Hidden Kayaking Gem in Wendell, N.C.
"Robertson Millpond Preserve is a hidden, 85-acre refuge for nature lovers, canoeists and kayakers. Opened to the public in 2015, the blackwater swamp property is the only bald cypress habitat in the Raleigh area, creating the unique experience of paddling through a forest-like setting.
Dominated by medium-aged to mature bald cypresses, a dense, closed canopy covers much of the pond, providing plenty of shaded areas during the warmer months as kayakers alternate working their way through tight gaps and larger open areas. The pond, mostly eight to 12 feet in depth but with lots of shallow areas, is tea-colored thanks to the slow-moving water and large amounts of organic matter.
The cypress swamp is also habitat for many animals—common birds include wood and black duck, pileated and downy woodpeckers, prothonotary warbler, screech and great horned owl, great blue heron and more. Beaver, muskrat, raccoon, a variety of water snakes, frogs, turtles and a healthy fish population are also likely to be spotted in and around the water."
Check out the full article here