23 March . 2021
Newland Joins US Veterans Corps for Food Run Friday
Recently, our partner Garman Homes received the first-ever Robert B. McLeod Partners in Placemaking Award from Newland for their work on the 22nd Hero Home in Wendell Falls. Additionally, Newland announced that it would be making a donation to Operation Coming Home, on behalf of Newland and Garman Homes. On Friday, the Newland team was honored to present Andy Ladner, President of US Veterans Corps and Operation Coming Home, with the $2,500 donation. Ladner responded, "We are grateful for this generous donation which will help take care of our veterans and honor our troops. Operation: Coming Home brings hope to those injured in combat and even families of fallen troops. OCH is successful thanks to caring organizations and individuals such as Newland, that continue to show gratitude to our military forces."
Afterward, the team participated in Food Run Friday, a weekly initiative that the organization spearheaded in response to the pandemic. Each Friday, volunteers deliver meal kits from the food pantry to local families in need. For more information on Food Run Friday or Operation Coming Home, please visit http://myusvc.com/.